pmcc logo smlHere are the staff publications for January 2017, compiled February 1st.



Here are the staff publications for January 2017, compiled February 1st.

  1. Alchin DR, Murphy D, Lawrentschuk N. Predicting the risk of positive surgical margins following robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy. Minerva Urologica e Nefrologica 2017;69:56-62.
  2. Alexander M, Blum R, Burbury K, et al. Timely initiation of chemotherapy: a systematic literature review of six priority cancers - results and recommendations for clinical practice. Internal Medicine Journal 2017;47:16-34.
  3. Blaschke S, O'Callaghan CC, Schofield P, Salander P. Cancer patients' experiences with nature: Normalizing dichotomous realities. Social Science & Medicine 2017;172:107-14.
  4. Chabot P, Hsia TC, Ryu JS, et al. Veliparib in combination with whole-brain radiation therapy for patients with brain metastases from non-small cell lung cancer: results of a randomized, global, placebo-controlled study. Journal of Neuro-oncology 2017;131:105-15.
  5. Chan KL, Lokan J, Tam CS, Lew TE, Prince HM. Central nervous system immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome after ibrutinib therapy for Richter transformation. Leukemia & Lymphoma 2017;58:207-10.
  6. Chan KL, van der Weyden C, Khoo C, et al. Durable clinical remission induced by romidepsin for chemotherapy-refractory peripheral T-cell lymphoma with central nervous system involvement. Leukemia & Lymphoma 2017;58:996-8.
  7. Chen Y, Peate M, Kaur R, et al. Exploring clinicians' attitudes about using aspirin for risk reduction in people with Lynch Syndrome with no personal diagnosis of colorectal cancer. Familial Cancer 2017;16:99-109.
  8. Chun K, Capitanio JP, Lamkin DM, Sloan EK, Arevalo JM, Cole SW. Social regulation of the lymph node transcriptome in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). Psychoneuroendocrinology 2017;76:107-13.
  9. Conway JL, Connors JM, Tyldesley S, et al. Secondary Breast Cancer Risk by Radiation Volume in Women With Hodgkin Lymphoma. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2017;97:35-41.
  10. Dunn J, Garvey G, Valery PC, et al. Barriers to lung cancer care: health professionals' perspectives. Supportive Care in Cancer 2017;25:497-504.
  11. Foss F, Pro B, Miles Prince H, et al. Responses to romidepsin by line of therapy in patients with relapsed or refractory peripheral T-cell lymphoma. Cancer Medicine 2017;6:36-44.
  12. Gambino TJ, Williams SP, Caesar C, et al. A Three-Dimensional Lymphatic Endothelial Cell Tube Formation Assay to Identify Novel Kinases Involved in Lymphatic Vessel Remodeling. Assay and Drug Development Technologies 2017;15:30-43.
  13. Gamell C, Gulati T, Levav-Cohen Y, et al. Reduced abundance of the E3 ubiquitin ligase E6AP contributes to decreased expression of the INK4/ARF locus in non-small cell lung cancer. Science Signaling 2017;10.
  14. Goldblatt C, Khumra S, Booth J, Urbancic K, Grayson ML, Trubiano JA. Poor reporting and documentation in drug-associated Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis - Lessons for medication safety. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2017;83:224-6.
  15. Hamdi Y, Soucy P, Kuchenbaeker KB, et al. Association of breast cancer risk in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers with genetic variants showing differential allelic expression: identification of a modifier of breast cancer risk at locus 11q22.3. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2017;161:117-34.
  16. Hoffman AF, Simpson KJ, Horvath P, et al. SBI2 HCS/HCA 3D Imaging: Best Practices and Unmet Needs Colloquium. Assay and Drug Development Technologies 2017;15:1-7.
  17. Kenealy M, Patton N, Filshie R, et al. Results of a phase II study of thalidomide and azacitidine in patients with clinically advanced myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) and low blast count acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Leukemia & Lymphoma 2017;58:298-307.
  18. King MT, Winters ZE, Olivotto IA, et al. Patient-reported outcomes in ductal carcinoma in situ: A systematic review. European Journal of Cancer 2017;71:95-108.
  19. Kokhanenko P, Papotti G, Cater JE, Lynch AC, van der Linden JA, Spence CJ. Carbon dioxide insufflation deflects airborne particles from an open surgical wound model. Journal of Hospital Infection 2017;95:112-7.
  20. Lamb AD, Zargar H, Murphy DG, Corcoran NM, Hovens CM. Disrupting the Status Quo in Prostate Cancer Diagnosis. European Urology 2017;71:193-4.
  21. Leslie K, Allen ML, Hessian EC, et al. Safety of sedation for gastrointestinal endoscopy in a group of university-affiliated hospitals: a prospective cohort study. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2017;118:90-9.
  22. Li H, Feng B, Miron A, et al. Breast cancer risk prediction using a polygenic risk score in the familial setting: a prospective study from the Breast Cancer Family Registry and kConFab. Genetics in Medicine 2017;19:30-5.
  23. Luen SJ, Salgado R, Fox S, et al. Tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes in advanced HER2-positive breast cancer treated with pertuzumab or placebo in addition to trastuzumab and docetaxel: a retrospective analysis of the CLEOPATRA study. Lancet Oncology 2017;18:52-62.
  24. Luen SJ, Savas P, Fox SB, Salgado R, Loi S. Tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes and the emerging role of immunotherapy in breast cancer. Pathology 2017;49:141-55.
  25. Martin OA, Anderson RL, Narayan K, MacManus MP. Does the mobilization of circulating tumour cells during cancer therapy cause metastasis? Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology 2017;14:32-44.
  26. Matheson JA, Te Marvelde L, Mailer S, et al. Prospective evaluation of prognostic indicators for early recurrence of cutaneous melanoma. Melanoma Research 2017;27:43-9.
  27. O'Hara JK, Armitage G, Reynolds C, et al. How might health services capture patient-reported safety concerns in a hospital setting? An exploratory pilot study of three mechanisms. BMJ Quality and Safety 2017;26:42-53.
  28. Perera M, Katelaris N, Murphy DG, McGrath S, Lawrentschuk N. Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System score of four or more: active surveillance no more. BJU International 2017;119:9-12.
  29. Phillips C, Jeffree R, Khasraw M. Management of breast cancer brain metastases: A practical review. Breast 2017;31:90-8.
  30. Roberts AW, Huang D. Targeting BCL2 With BH3 Mimetics: Basic Science and Clinical Application of Venetoclax in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and Related B Cell Malignancies. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2017;101:89-98.
  31. Ryland GL, Hunter SM, Doyle MA, et al. Erratum to: Mutational landscape of mucinous ovarian carcinoma and its neoplastic precursors. Genome Medicine 2017;9:1.
  32. Solomon B. Trials and Tribulations of EGFR and MET Inhibitor Combination Therapy in NSCLC. Journal of Thoracic Oncology 2017;12:9-11.
  33. Srougi V, Sanchez-Salas R. Re: Robot-assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Versus Open Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy: Early Outcomes from a Randomised Controlled Phase 3 Study. European Urology 2017;71:141-2.
  34. Stewart CJ, Bowtell DD, Doherty DA, Leung YC. Long-term survival of patients with mismatch repair protein-deficient, high-stage ovarian clear cell carcinoma. Histopathology 2017;70:309-13.
  35. Sun X, Glynn DJ, Hodson LJ, et al. CCL2-driven inflammation increases mammary gland stromal density and cancer susceptibility in a transgenic mouse model. Breast Cancer Research 2017;19:4.
  36. Suneja G, Brown D, Chang A, et al. American Brachytherapy Society: Brachytherapy treatment recommendations for locally advanced cervix cancer for low-income and middle-income countries. Brachytherapy 2017;16:85-94.
  37. Talaulikar D, Tam CS, Joshua D, et al. Treatment of patients with Waldenstrom macroglobulinaemia: clinical practice guidelines from the Myeloma Foundation of Australia Medical and Scientific Advisory Group. Internal Medicine Journal 2017;47:35-49.
  38. Taylor RA, Fraser M, Livingstone J, et al. Germline BRCA2 mutations drive prostate cancers with distinct evolutionary trajectories. Nature Communications 2017;8:13671.
  39. Tesson S, Richards I, Porter D, et al. Women's preferences for contralateral prophylactic mastectomy following unilateral breast cancer: What risk-reduction makes it worthwhile? Breast 2017;31:233-40.
  40. Touati N, Tryfonidis K, Caramia F, et al. Correlation between severe infection and breast cancer metastases in the EORTC 10994/BIG 1-00 trial: Investigating innate immunity as a tumour suppressor in breast cancer. European Journal of Cancer 2017;72:95-102.
  41. Turner J, Kelly B, Clarke D, et al. A tiered multidisciplinary approach to the psychosocial care of adult cancer patients integrated into routine care: the PROMPT study (a cluster-randomised controlled trial). Supportive Care in Cancer 2017;25:17-26.
  42. Wolwer CB, Godde N, Pase LB, et al. The Asymmetric Cell Division Regulators Par3, Scribble and Pins/Gpsm2 Are Not Essential for Erythroid Development or Enucleation. PLoS One 2017;12:e0170295.
  43. Yan S, Frank D, Son J, et al. The Potential of Targeting Ribosome Biogenesis in High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer. International journal of molecular sciences 2017;18.
  44. Zargar H, van den Bergh R, Moon D, Lawrentschuk N, Costello A, Murphy D. The impact of the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPTSTF) recommendations against prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing on PSA testing in Australia. BJU International 2017;119:110-5.
  45. Zargar-Shoshtari K, Lawrentschuk N, Zargar H. Robotic Prostatectomy Delivers on the Promise of Minimally Invasive Surgery: Commentary on: Robot-assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Versus Open Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy: Early Outcomes from a Randomised Controlled Phase 3 Study. Urology 2017;99:3-4.