pmcc logo smlHere are the staff publications for August 2016, compiled September 7.



Here are the staff publications for August 2016, compiled September 7.


  1. Allard B, Beavis PA, Darcy PK, Stagg J. Immunosuppressive activities of adenosine in cancer. Current opinion in pharmacology 2016;29:7-16.
  2. Anazodo AC, Stern CJ, McLachlan RI, et al. A Study Protocol for the Australasian Oncofertility Registry: Monitoring Referral Patterns and the Uptake, Quality, and Complications of Fertility Preservation Strategies in Australia and New Zealand. Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology 2016;5:215-25.
  3. Bailey DL, Pichler BJ, Guckel B, et al. Combined PET/MRI: from Status Quo to Status Go. Summary Report of the Fifth International Workshop on PET/MR Imaging; February 15-19, 2016; Tubingen, Germany. Molecular imaging and biology : MIB : the official publication of the Academy of Molecular Imaging 2016;18:637-50.
  4. Blombery P, Thompson ER, Jones K, et al. Whole exome sequencing reveals activating JAK1 and STAT3 mutations in breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma anaplastic large cell lymphoma. Haematologica 2016;101:e387-90.
  5. Bodei L, Modlin IM, Luster M, et al. Myeloid neoplasms after chemotherapy and PRRT: myth and reality. Endocrine Related Cancer 2016;23:C1-7.
  6. Borgmann H, Loeb S, Salem J, et al. Activity, content, contributors, and influencers of the twitter discussion on urologic oncology. Urologic Oncology 2016;34:377-83.
  7. Bowyer S, Prithviraj P, Lorigan P, et al. Efficacy and toxicity of treatment with the anti-CTLA-4 antibody ipilimumab in patients with metastatic melanoma after prior anti-PD-1 therapy. British Journal of Cancer 2016;114:1084-9.
  8. Chan KL, Lade S, Prince HM, Harrison SJ. Update and new approaches in the treatment of Castleman disease. Journal of blood medicine 2016;7:145-58.
  9. Chan KT, Paavolainen L, Hannan KM, et al. Combining High-Content Imaging and Phenotypic Classification Analysis of Senescence-Associated Beta-Galactosidase Staining to Identify Regulators of Oncogene-Induced Senescence. Assay and Drug Development Technologies 2016;14:416-28.
  10. Chang A, Le CP, Walker AK, et al. beta2-Adrenoceptors on tumor cells play a critical role in stress-enhanced metastasis in a mouse model of breast cancer. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 2016;57:106-15.
  11. Chang CA, Pattison DA, Tothill RW, et al. (68)Ga-DOTATATE and (18)F-FDG PET/CT in Paraganglioma and Pheochromocytoma: utility, patterns and heterogeneity. Cancer Imaging 2016;16:22.
  12. Chen Y, Gu M, Gunning PW, Russell SM. Dense small molecule labeling enables activator-dependent STORM by proximity mapping. Histochemistry and Cell Biology 2016;146:255-66.
  13. Dagogo-Jack I, Gainor JF, Porter RL, et al. Clinicopathologic Features of NSCLC Diagnosed During Pregnancy or the Peripartum Period in the Era of Molecular Genotyping. Journal of Thoracic Oncology 2016;11:1522-8.
  14. Dasgupta P, Murphy DG. Randomised controlled trials in robotic surgery. BJU International 2016;118:341.
  15. Douglas AP, Thursky KA, Slavin MA. Invasive fungal infections in ALL: a new 'growth' area. Leukemia & Lymphoma 2016;57:1985-7.

  16. Eskiocak U, Ramesh V, Gill JG, et al. Synergistic effects of ion transporter and MAP kinase pathway inhibitors in melanoma. Nature Communications 2016;7:12336.
  17. Evans J, Nolte L, Piper A, Simkiss L, Whitfield K, Jefford M. A clinical placement program for primary care professionals at a comprehensive cancer centre. Australian Family Physician 2016;45:606-10.
  18. Fennell M, Simpson KJ. Society of Biomolecular Imaging and Informatics Special Issue. Assay and Drug Development Technologies 2016;14:365-6.
  19. Gao B, Lindemann K, Anderson L, et al. Serous ovarian and primary peritoneal cancers: A comparative analysis of clinico-pathological features, molecular subtypes and treatment outcome. Gynecologic Oncology 2016;142:458-64.
  20. Ghosh P, Tie J, Muranyi A, et al. Girdin (GIV) Expression as a Prognostic Marker of Recurrence in Mismatch Repair-Proficient Stage II Colon Cancer. Clinical Cancer Research 2016;22:3488-98.
    Hofman MS, Hicks RJ. Gallium-68 EDTA PET/CT for Renal Imaging. Seminars in Nuclear Medicine 2016;46:448-61.
  21. Hogg SJ, Newbold A, Vervoort SJ, et al. BET Inhibition Induces Apoptosis in Aggressive B-Cell Lymphoma via Epigenetic Regulation of BCL-2 Family Members. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 2016;15:2030-41.
  22. Janson B, Whittle J, Witney K, Moodie K, Callahan J, Sandhu S. Use of vemurafenib in a patient unable to swallow whole. Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice 2016;22:733-7.
  23. Jayasekara H, Reece JC, Buchanan DD, et al. Risk factors for metachronous colorectal cancer following a primary colorectal cancer: A prospective cohort study. International Journal of Cancer 2016;139:1081-90.
  24. Kar SP, Beesley J, Amin Al Olama A, et al. Genome-Wide Meta-Analyses of Breast, Ovarian, and Prostate Cancer Association Studies Identify Multiple New Susceptibility Loci Shared by at Least Two Cancer Types. Cancer Discovery 2016;6:1052-67.
  25. Knowles J, Lynch AC, Warrier SK, Henderson M, Heriot AG. A case series of anal melanoma including the results of treatment with imatinib in selected patients. Colorectal Disease 2016;18:877-82.
  26. Lamkin DM, Ho HY, Ong TH, et al. beta-Adrenergic-stimulated macrophages: Comprehensive localization in the M1-M2 spectrum. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 2016;57:338-46.
  27. Lasocki A, Gaillard F, Tacey M, Drummond K, Stuckey S. Multifocal and multicentric glioblastoma: Improved characterisation with FLAIR imaging and prognostic implications. Journal of clinical neuroscience : official journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia 2016;31:92-8.
  28. Le Roux PY, Leong TL, Barnett SA, et al. Gallium-68 perfusion positron emission tomography/computed tomography to assess pulmonary function in lung cancer patients undergoing surgery. Cancer Imaging 2016;16:24.
  29. Levin N, Spencer A, Harrison SJ, et al. Marizomib irreversibly inhibits proteasome to overcome compensatory hyperactivation in multiple myeloma and solid tumour patients. British Journal of Haematology 2016;174:711-20.
  30. Lippey J, Bousounis R, Behrenbruch C, et al. Intralesional PV-10 for in-transit melanoma-A single-center experience. Journal of Surgical Oncology 2016;114:380-4.
  31. Oberoi DV, White V, Jefford M, et al. Caregivers' information needs and their 'experiences of care' during treatment are associated with elevated anxiety and depression: a cross-sectional study of the caregivers of renal cancer survivors. Supportive Care in Cancer 2016;24:4177-86.
  32. Pang JM, Gorringe KL, Fox SB. Reply to the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon in ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast. Histopathology 2016;69:523-4.
    Pavlakis N, Sjoquist KM, Martin AJ, et al. Regorafenib for the Treatment of Advanced Gastric Cancer (INTEGRATE): A Multinational Placebo-Controlled Phase II Trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2016;34:2728-35.
  33. Perera M, Manning T, Finelli A, Lawrentschuk N. Management of men with previous negative prostate biopsy. Current opinion in urology 2016;26:481-7.
  34. Pham D, Hardcastle N, Foroudi F, et al. A Multidisciplinary Evaluation of a Web-based eLearning Training Programme for SAFRON II (TROG 13.01): a Multicentre Randomised Study of Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Lung Metastases. Clinical Oncology (R Coll Radiol) 2016;28:e101-8.
  35. Phillips KA, Steel EJ, Collins I, et al. Transitioning to routine breast cancer risk assessment and management in primary care: what can we learn from cardiovascular disease? Australian Journal of Primary Health 2016;22:255-61.
  36. Rees MJ, Liao H, Spillane J, et al. Localized melanoma in older patients, the impact of increasing age and comorbid medical conditions. European Journal of Surgical Oncology 2016;42:1359-66.
  37. Ruskin O, Sanelli A, Herschtal A, et al. Excision margins and sentinel lymph node status as prognostic factors in thick melanoma of the head and neck: A retrospective analysis. Head & Neck 2016;38:1373-9.
  38. Sanderson C, Quinn SJ, Agar M, et al. Pharmacovigilance in hospice/palliative care: net effect of pregabalin for neuropathic pain. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care 2016;6:323-30.
  39. Sawyer SM, McCarthy MC, Dunt D, et al. Fulfilling the Vision of Youth-Friendly Cancer Care: A Study Protocol. Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology 2016;5:267-77.
  40. Schofield P, Gough K, Lotfi-Jam K, et al. Nurse-led group consultation intervention reduces depressive symptoms in men with localised prostate cancer: a cluster randomised controlled trial. BMC Cancer 2016;16:637.
  41. Shi J, Zhang Y, Zheng W, et al. Fine-scale mapping of 8q24 locus identifies multiple independent risk variants for breast cancer. International Journal of Cancer 2016;139:1303-17.
  42. Solomon B, Soria JC. The continuum of care for ALK-positive NSCLC: from diagnosis to new treatment options - an overview. Annals of Oncology 2016;27 iii1-iii3.
  43. Solomon BJ, Cappuzzo F, Felip E, et al. Intracranial Efficacy of Crizotinib Versus Chemotherapy in Patients With Advanced ALK-Positive Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Results From PROFILE 1014. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2016;34:2858-65.
  44. Sullivan LC, Berry R, Sosnin N, et al. Recognition of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) Class Ib Molecule H2-Q10 by the Natural Killer Cell Receptor Ly49C. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2016;291:18740-52.
  45. Teng JC, Lingaratnam SM, Trubiano JA, Thursky KA, Slavin MA, Worth LJ. Oral pristinamycin for the treatment of resistant Gram-positive infections in patients with cancer: Evaluation of clinical outcomes. International journal of antimicrobial agents 2016;47:391-6.
  46. Togel L, Nightingale R, Chueh AC, et al. Dual Targeting of Bromodomain and Extraterminal Domain Proteins, and WNT or MAPK Signaling, Inhibits c-MYC Expression and Proliferation of Colorectal Cancer Cells. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 2016;15:1217-26.
  47. Valentini V, Gambacorta MA, Barbaro B, et al. International consensus guidelines on Clinical Target Volume delineation in rectal cancer. Radiotherapy & Oncology 2016;120:195-201.
  48. Walter C, Mellor JD, Rice C, et al. Impact of a specialist clinical cancer pharmacist at a multidisciplinary lung cancer clinic. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology 2016;12:e367-74.