pmcc logo smlHere are the staff publications for July 2016.




  • Ager B, Butow P, Jansen J, Phillips KA, Porter D, Group CDA. Contralateral prophylactic mastectomy (CPM): A systematic review of patient reported factors and psychological predictors influencing choice and satisfaction. Breast 2016;28:107-20.


  • Chang JH, Gehrke C, Prabhakar R, et al. RADBIOMOD: A simple program for utilising biological modelling in radiotherapy plan evaluation. Physica Medica 2016;32:248-54.


  • Cristofanilli M, Turner NC, Bondarenko I, et al. Fulvestrant plus palbociclib versus fulvestrant plus placebo for treatment of hormone-receptor-positive, HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer that progressed on previous endocrine therapy (PALOMA-3): final analysis of the multicentre, double-blind, phase 3 randomised controlled trial. Lancet Oncology 2016;17:425-39.


  • Desra AP, Breen J, Harper S, Slavin MA, Worth LJ. Aseptic technique for accessing central venous catheters: applying a standardised tool to audit 'scrub the hub' practices. Journal of Vascular Access 2016;17:269-72.


  • Douglas AP, Thursky KA, Slavin MA. Invasive fungal infections in ALL: a new 'growth' area. Leukemia & Lymphoma 2016;57:1985-7.


  • Gaffney DK, King B, Viswanathan AN, et al. Consensus Recommendations for Radiation Therapy Contouring and Treatment of Vulvar Carcinoma. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2016;95:1191-200.


  • Haupt Y, Blandino G. Editorial: Human Tumor-Derived p53 Mutants: A Growing Family of Oncoproteins. Frontiers in Oncology 2016;6:170.


  • Ho L, Lau L, Churilov L, et al. Comparative Evaluation of Crystalloid Resuscitation Rate in a Human Model of Compensated Haemorrhagic Shock. Shock 2016;46:149-57.


  • Hughes CF, Newland K, McCormack C, Lade S, Prince HM. Mycosis fungoides and Sezary syndrome: Current challenges in assessment, management and prognostic markers. Australasian Journal of Dermatology 2016;57:182-91.


  • Jackson P, Steinfort DP, Kron T, Siva S. Practical Assessment of Bronchoscopically Inserted Fiducial Markers for Image Guidance in Stereotactic Lung Radiotherapy. Journal of Thoracic Oncology 2016;11:1363-8.


  • Jameson MG, McNamara J, Bailey M, et al. Results of the Australasian (Trans-Tasman Oncology Group) radiotherapy benchmarking exercise in preparation for participation in the PORTEC-3 trial. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology 2016;60:554-9.


  • Jayasekara H, Reece JC, Buchanan DD, et al. Risk factors for metachronous colorectal cancer following a primary colorectal cancer: A prospective cohort study. International Journal of Cancer 2016;139:1081-90.


  • Karlovich C, Goldman JW, Sun JM, et al. Assessment of EGFR Mutation Status in Matched Plasma and Tumor Tissue of NSCLC Patients from a Phase I Study of Rociletinib (CO-1686). Clinical Cancer Research 2016;22:2386-95.


  • King J, Alexander M, Byrne J, et al. A review of the evidence for occupational exposure risks to novel anticancer agents - A focus on monoclonal antibodies. Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice 2016;22:121-34.


  • Kiss N, Isenring E, Gough K, et al. Early and Intensive Dietary Counseling in Lung Cancer Patients Receiving (Chemo)Radiotherapy-A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Nutrition and Cancer 2016;68:958-67.


  • Lasocki A, Gaillard F, Tacey M, Drummond K, Stuckey S. Multifocal and multicentric glioblastoma: Improved characterisation with FLAIR imaging and prognostic implications. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 2016;31:92-8.


  • Lim AM, Wong NC, Pidsley R, et al. Genome-scale methylation assessment did not identify prognostic biomarkers in oral tongue carcinomas. Clinical Epigenetics 2016;8:74.


  • Loibl S, Majewski I, Guarneri V, et al. PIK3CA mutations are associated with reduced pathological complete response rates in primary HER2-positive breast cancer: pooled analysis of 967 patients from five prospective trials investigating lapatinib and trastuzumab. Annals of Oncology 2016;27:1519-25.


  • Michael N, O'Callaghan C, Clayton JM. Exploring the utility of the vignette technique in promoting advance care planning discussions with cancer patients and caregivers. Patient Education & Counseling 2016;99:1406-12.


  • Perera M, Manning T, Finelli A, Lawrentschuk N. Management of men with previous negative prostate biopsy. Current opinion in urology 2016;26:481-7.


  • Pham D, Hardcastle N, Foroudi F, et al. A Multidisciplinary Evaluation of a Web-based eLearning Training Programme for SAFRON II (TROG 13.01): a Multicentre Randomised Study of Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Lung Metastases. Clinical Oncology (R Coll Radiol) 2016;28:e101-8.


  • Regan MM, Francis PA, Pagani O, et al. Absolute Benefit of Adjuvant Endocrine Therapies for Premenopausal Women With Hormone Receptor-Positive, Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2-Negative Early Breast Cancer: TEXT and SOFT Trials. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2016;34:2221-31.


  • Reis B, Jukofsky L, Chen G, et al. Acute myeloid leukemia patients' clinical response to idasanutlin (RG7388) is associated with pre-treatment MDM2 protein expression in leukemic blasts. Haematologica 2016;101:e185-8.


  • Roviello G, Ravelli A, Barni S, et al. Is it time for everolimus-based combination in castration-resistant prostate cancer? Future Oncology 2016;12:1849-52.


  • S VANB, Costello AJ, H VANP. Prognosis of node-positive bladder cancer in 2016. Minerva Urologica e Nefrologica 2016;68:125-37.


  • Sarkozy C, Trneny M, Xerri L, et al. Risk Factors and Outcomes for Patients With Follicular Lymphoma Who Had Histologic Transformation After Response to First-Line Immunochemotherapy in the PRIMA Trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2016;34:2575-82.


  • Segelov E, Waring P, Desai J, et al. ICECREAM: randomised phase II study of cetuximab alone or in combination with irinotecan in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer with either KRAS, NRAS, BRAF and PI3KCA wild type, or G13D mutated tumours. BMC Cancer 2016;16:339.


  • Seymour JF. Effective mitigation of tumor lysis syndrome with gradual venetoclax dose ramp, prophylaxis, and monitoring in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Annals of Hematology 2016;95:1361-2.


  • Taylor ML, Yeo UA, Supple J, et al. The Importance of Quasi-4D Path-Integrated Dose Accumulation for More Accurate Risk Estimation in Stereotactic Liver Radiotherapy. Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment 2016;15:428-36.


  • Vigorito E, Kuchenbaecker KB, Beesley J, et al. Fine-Scale Mapping at 9p22.2 Identifies Candidate Causal Variants That Modify Ovarian Cancer Risk in BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Carriers. PLoS One 2016;11:e0158801.


  • Wilson C, Waterhouse D, Lane SE, et al. Ten-year outcomes using low dose rate brachytherapy for localised prostate cancer: An update to the first Australian experience. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology 2016;60:531-8.